Prisoners can be encouraged to engage and be more occupied with Unify’s ENTERTAIN In-cell Media Centre providing controlled access to entertainment, educational programmes or audio books.

How does Unify ENTERTAIN Solution work?

The boredom of prisoners can result in a number of consequences, including self-harm, drug abuse and violence. Keep inmates occupied Unify’s In-Cell Media Centre providing controlled access to entertainment, educational programmes or audio books.

Entertain & Rehabilitate – Maintaining connections with the outside world and keeping in touch with current world affairs can be beneficial for prisoners. Receiving regular news updates provides information beneficial to personal learning and development while improving resettlement and rehabilitation outcomes.

Entertain & Educate – Using the In-Cell Media terminal to continue with studies out of the classroom provides prisoners with the opportunity to engage in learning and skills provision in their own time while building confidence and concentration in their chosen subjects.

Entertain & Inform – The information displayed on the Unify Digital Signage screens can be fed into the In-Cell Media centre and provide prisoners with essential prison information, news and weather updates in their cells.

Entertain & Reward – Prisoners can manage the prison incentive scheme REWARD using the In-Cell terminals.

Who is the Unify ENTERTAIN Solution for?

Having access to the in-cell Media Centre provides residents/prisoners with the freedom to watch pre-appoved channels/films in the privacy of their own room/cell – safely. All channels and accessible media are controlled by the secure facility, meaning no unauthorised channels or films can be accessed.

Designed in line with the requirements and safety stipulations that comes from working in custodial settings, the Media Centre is controlled by a fixed remote that requires no batteries.

Learn more about how our Custodial technology can be used in all secure facilities:


Secure Children’s Homes/YOI

Health & Social Care

Key Benefits for the Prisoner

– Privacy of watching pre-approved channels/films within their cells

– Reduces conflicts over communal TVs

– Access to educational courses to continue learning programmes out of the classroom

– Keep up to date with news and updates from the outside world

Key Benefits for the Prison

– Reduces conflicts over communal media channels

– Less aggressive behaviour as a result, equalling less staff required in communal areas.

– Supports the delivery of educational programmes prisons are required to deliver

– Fully integrated design with no visible cabling or batteries

– The system has been developed to ensure unsuitable content cannot be accessed and user hours can be controlled as require

Key Features

Our priority is to deliver the right solutions, fit for purpose, without compromising our high standards of service and technical ability. Discover more about the key features here;

Streaming icon


Stream a choice of TV and radio channels.

Films icon


A choice of films can be accessed on the media player.  

Educational programs icon

Educational programs

Complete educational programmes in the comfort of their own room. 

Fixed remote - without the need for batteries icon

Fixed remote - without the need for batteries

Safety remote is fixed securely in the room without the need for batteries.  

Safe icon


No visible cabling or batteries provides the confidence that the system can be used unsupervised.  

Secure icon


The system has been developed securely so that unsuitable content cannot be accessed.  

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