With Unify BLOCK, threats to prison security and the local community can be managed effectively by intercepting the unauthorised use of mobile devices within prisons.

How does Unify BLOCK Solution work?

Unify Block can be applied to any location, for example, a specific cell or an entire prison. Instances where this may be appropriate would be when there has been a disturbance in one area of the prison and in order to contain such episodes, there needs to be an ensured block on any communication between prisoners in different locations. Used in conjunction with Unify DETECT, it can help to achieve a mobile a mobile free prison.

Who is the Unify BLOCK Solution for?

Our Unify BLOCK solution is for anyone looking to ensure that a prison or secure environment remains ‘mobile free’ – when used in conjunction with Unify DETECT, mobile phones can be identified and blocked. This then acts as a deterrent to those tempted or trying to smuggle mobile phones inside.

Key Benefits for the Prison 

– Reduce illegal activity within prisons

– Reduction of violent and intimidating behaviour between prisoners

– Improve the safety of prison environments

– Mobiles become obsolete

– Prisons can work towards becoming ‘mobile free’

– Reduce the drugs and other contraband that make it into prison

Key Features

Our priority is to deliver the right solutions, fit for purpose, without compromising our high standards of service and technical ability. Discover more about the key features here;

Block by location on demand icon

Block by location on demand

Block mobiles in specific locations on demand by cell, wing, block or entire prison.

Multi-channel blocking icon

Multi-channel blocking

Will stop mobiles from trying to connect on other channels i.e. when a mobile attempts to channel hop from 4G to 3G. 

Ensure conditions remain calm icon

Ensure conditions remain calm

During extreme circumstances and disturbances, blocking can ensure communication is prevented and therefore kept under control.  

Promotes a ‘mobile free’ prison icon

Promotes a ‘mobile free’ prison

Used in conjunction with existing mobile detection solution. 

Adjustable sensitivity icon

Adjustable sensitivity

To ensure blocking remains within the prison walls.  

Deterrent  icon


As soon as prisoners see that mobiles soon become obsolete once they make their way inside the desire to smuggle these into prisons will decrease.  

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